let's encrypt synology

Hey guys, i set up my Let's encrypt Cert yesterday successfully but i Couldn't find any option to extend my Certificate. The Lets Encrypt Cert expires in 3 month (which is btw a pretty short time period) Am I missing something or is there no optio

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Comodo Free Firewall is a superb replacement for Windows’ default utility. The interface is modern, sleek and intuitive and easy to navigate. Not only is it pleasing on the eyes, it also provides en...

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  • Network Attached Storage (NAS) for home and business, Synology is dedicated to provide Dis...
    DiskStation Manager - Knowledge Base | Synology Inc.
  • Hey guys, i set up my Let's encrypt Cert yesterday successfully but i Couldn't fin...
    Extend Let's Encypt Cert - Synology Forum
  • Hi John, Sorry for the delayed response. By creating an A record I mean that you have to c...
    How to install Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate on Synology NAS ...
  • Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the n...
    Let's Encrypt - Official Site
  • Let's Encrypt is now in public beta, which means anyone who wants to get an SSL certif...
    Let's Encrypt certs work great on Synology units. Here&# ...
  • This is such a great surprise for me! I was considering getting my own certificate from Le...
    Let's Encrypt is in! - Synology Forum
  • Have you updated your Synology to the latest DSM 6? If you haven't done it yet, here i...
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  • Let’s Encrypt 是一個最近新興的 CA, 提供免費的 SSL 憑證,他們提供了一個 python script 讓使用者可以方便的取得憑證,但在 Synology NA...
    在 Synology NAS 上設定 Let's Encrypt 憑證 | I-Ta Tsai&#3 ...